Monday, May 28, 2007

The 1980's

When i think of the 1980's, i thing of two things, Ronald Regan and Rap music. Though they may not be the only signifigant events of the 1980's, they are to me!!
The 1980's class did a great job explaining Reganomics. We had a good class discussion about the benefits and detriments of his terms in office. Ronald Regan was really a love/hate sorta character. Though he screwed the poor and gave to the rich, by convincing our country into falling for his "trickle down" scam, and putting our country trillions of dollars in debt, who couldn't resist his fiery personality and movie star smile?
The 1980's had a great transition into rap, by having a rap battle about the events of the 1980's. They made a brief, but informative slideshow that really helped me get a general feel for the 80's. Though some groups didnt really take the rap battle seriously (cough, cough, my group!) it was a great activity.
The 80's group did a good job giving a brief cronological timeline of early hip hop, from its roots in disco, to its later social-consious transformation, and its quality digression in the early nineties. Overall the 80's group did a awesome job!

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