Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I felt the 1950's group did a great job recreating the mood and the mindset of the time. i always had the "leave it to beaver" impression of two kids, a stay at home mom, and a pipe-smoking father, but i never knew why, nor did I know what factors created the 1950's that made it unique.
I learned that the media, especially television, became a major influence to the consumer. It was interesting to see how directly blatent the advertising schemes were, as seen in the ford commerical. The commercail basically portrayed the ideal American "white picket fence" family. The wife seemed to be too perfect, wearing a pearl necklace and had her hair fixed just to do the dishes! She said she needed a car to go to PTA meetings and to pick uphow the kids, the stereotypical white suburban housewife. I thought it was interesting the wife was given the old car, while the husband got the new one. If my parents got a new car, im pretty sure my mom would get the new one! It shows how the role of women was still second to men in the 1950's.
Another video that left an impression on me was the video on "family ediquete" (for lack of a better term!) I was supprised to see the degreee of gender inequality still prevalent during the 1950's. For example, the wife had the obligation to her husband to make him happy after a long day of work, even if it meant putting on a facade. If I had to describe my impression of the fifties in one word, it would be PROPAGANDA, whether it be political or social.

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